Why does the editor run as XStandard Lite instead of Pro?
A license file transforms XStandard Lite into XStandard Pro. Without the license file, the editor runs as the Lite version. You will find a 30-day eval license for XStandard Pro at "C:\Program Files\XStandard\license.txt" on Windows and at "/Applications/XStandard/license.txt" on OS X. This is how to instruct the editor to use a license file:
Web integration
For Web applications, put the license file on your Web server and point to it using an absolute URL. For example:
<param name="License" value="http://yourserver/license.txt" />
Desktop application integration
For desktop applications, you can point to a license file like this (Visual Basic example):
XHTMLEditor1.License = "C:\XStandard\license.txt"
Alternatively, you can add the license file to project resources in your development environment and then pass the text of the license file to the License property.