Can I edit Web pages using XStandard?
XStandard is not used to edit page layout. XStandard is an authoring tool used within Content Management Systems (CMS) to edit content that the CMS inserts into the page layout. It is only when the site visitor requests a page that the layout and content are combined together to produce the HTML Web page. This is called dynamic Web page construction and is a solid and time-tested approach. Virtually all content-managed sites are built in this way. Dynamic Web page construction (seen in the diagram below) typically involves a set of layout templates (using ASP, PHP, ColdFusion, etc) that provide the general look and feel and navigation for the site, and placeholders (or scripts) that fetch content generated by a CMS that uses authoring tools like XStandard.

The advantages of dynamic versus static Web page construction become clear when a Web site needs to be re-designed, or the same content needs to be re-purposed, syndicated or inserted into different page layouts. The diagram below shows how the dynamic approach easily permits the same content to be used to produce quite different looking Web pages.