The XHTML WYSIWYG Editor For Desktop & Web Applications

Bulleted and Numbered Lists

Create a numbered or bulleted List

  1. Select content to which you want to add bullets or numbering.
  2. On the toolbar, select the ordered list or unordered button. Or, in the context menu, select Toolbar, Buttons, then Numbered list or Bulleted list.

Manage lists using the context menu

  • The context menu facilitates all operations related to the creation and management of bulleted or numbered lists:

The list context menu.

Create a sublist (indent)

  1. Place the cursor in the bulleted or numbered line that you want to indent.
  2. In the context menu, select Bulleted/ Numbered list, then Create sublist.

Insert a list item

  1. Place the cursor in a line.
  2. In the context menu, select Bulleted/ Numbered list, then either Insert item above or Insert item below.

Move a list item

  1. Place the cursor in the line you wish to move.
  2. In the context menu, select Bulleted/ Numbered list, then either Move item up or Move item down

Change to a numbered/ bulleted List

  1. Place the cursor in a line.
  2. In the context menu, select Bulleted/ Numbered list, then Change to bulleted/ numbered list.

Remove bullets or numbering

  1. Select content from which you want to remove bullets or numbering.
  2. On the toolbar, de-select Numbered/ Bulleted list, or in the context menu, select Toolbar, Buttons, then de-select Numbered/ Bulleted list

Remove Sublist (remove indent)

  1. Place the cursor in the line from which you want to remove the indent (sublist).
  2. In the context menu, select Numbered/ Bulleted list, then Remove sublist.

Delete a list item

  1. Place the cursor in the item you want to delete
  2. In the context menu, select Numbered/ Bulleted list, then Delete item.

Delete a list

  1. Place the cursor anywhere in the list
  2. In the context menu, select Numbered/ Bulleted list, then Delete list.

Insert space before a list

  1. Place the cursor in the first line of the list.
  2. Use the left arrow key to move the cursor to the left until it appears as one long cursor along the vertical left edge of the list (see below)
  3. Press ENTER to insert a paragraph before the list.

Inserting space before a list.

Insert space after a list

  1. Place the cursor in the last line of the list.
  2. Use the right arrow key to move the cursor to the right until it appears as one long cursor along the vertical right edge of the list (see below).
  3. Press ENTER to insert a paragraph after the list.

Inserting space after a list.