The XHTML WYSIWYG Editor For Desktop & Web Applications


ScriptQ can be configured through registry settings as shown in the screen shot below.

Screen shot of ScriptQ registry settings.

The following table describes each registry key.

ArchiveA yes | no value that instructs ScriptQ to save completed jobs into the Archive folder.
Bind To IPThe IP address that ScriptQ should use when establishing an outgoing network connection for sending remote commands. A blank value will instruct ScriptQ to use the one of the available IP addresses setup for this computer.
Bind To PortThe Port number that ScriptQ should use when establishing an outgoing network connection for sending remote commands. A 0 value will instruct ScriptQ to use any available port setup on this computer.
ClientsA comma delimited list of IP addresses ScriptQ will accept remote commands from.
Command PortPort number ScriptQ will use to listen for remote commands. A value of 0 will reject all remote commands.
DebugA yes | no value that instructs ScriptQ to write debug information to log file.
IP HomesA comma delimited list of local IP address ScriptQ will listen to for remote commands. A blank value will instruct ScriptQ to listen on all IP addresses for remote commands.
Job Cache LimitWhen a job is placed into ScriptQ, the job details are cached (stored in RAM) to improve performance. If the number of bytes for the script and arguments exceeds this number (in bytes), the job will not be cached. This means that just before the job is executed, ScriptQ will read the job details from the XML job definition file.
LicensePath to a license file.
Log File

Path to a log file. The log file name can contain special tags which will be replaced by current day/week/month/year. For example, this path C:\Program Files\Belus\ScriptQ\Default\Logs\sq%Y-%m-%d.log will create a log file name that will look like this: sq2004-11-15.log. The tags available are:

%a = Abbreviated weekday name

%A = Full weekday name

%b = Abbreviated month name

%B = Full month name

%c = Date and time representation appropriate for locale

%d = Day of month as decimal number (01 - 31)

%H = Hour in 24-hour format (00 - 23)

%I = Hour in 12-hour format (01 - 12)

%j = Day of year as decimal number (001 - 366)

%m = Month as decimal number (01 - 12)

%M = Minute as decimal number (00 - 59)

%p = Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock

%S = Second as decimal number (00 - 59)

%U = Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 - 53)

%w = Weekday as decimal number (0 - 6; Sunday is 0)

%W = Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 - 53)

%x = Date representation for current locale

%X = Time representation for current locale

%y = Year without century, as decimal number (00 - 99)

%Y = Year with century, as decimal number

%z, %Z = Time-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if time zone is unknown

%% = Percent sign

Monitor PortPort number used by ScriptQ Monitor application to monitor ScriptQ activity. To disable, set value to 0 (zero).
PathPath to the folder containing sub folders "Archive", "Error", "Logs", "Pickup", "Priority", "Queue", etc.
Pickup DelayMaximum time (in milliseconds) before a job is loaded into ScriptQ from the "Pickup" or "Priority" folders.
Queue Size LimitMaximum number of jobs queued at any time. If the number of pending jobs in ScriptQ exceeds this number, new jobs will be placed into the "Pickup" folder and will only be picked up from there and put into the queue when the limit on the queue is no longer exceeded. The only exception to this rule is when jobs are added with high or urgent priority settings or with a grouping identifier. These jobs are added to the queue even if the queue limit is exceeded. This feature helps reduce memory (RAM) usage by ScriptQ.
Template PathPath to "Template" folder.
ThreadsNumber of threads to process the jobs.
Upload PathPath to "Upload" folder.
Verbose ModeA yes | no value that turns on or off the verbose mode in ScriptQ. In verbose mode, details about each job are written to the log file when they execute as well as when duplicate jobs are placed into ScriptQ.